Representing California's Seafood Industry

Since 1954



The California Fisheries & Seafood Institute (CFSI) is the nation’s largest regional organization representing members of the consumer seafood supply industry.

Since 1954, CFSI has aggressively served its members in government representation and the marketing and promotion of seafood. CFSI’s member companies represent all facets of the consumer seafood supply industry. Our members are seafood brokers, exporters, importers, traders, producers, restaurants, wholesalers, distributors, cold storage facilities, transportation companies and other allied industries. While the majority of our members are based in California, CFSI has members from all over the United States and Canada.

CFSI is the voice of the consumer seafood supply industry.

CFSI endorses the efforts of FishWatch as the U.S. authority on the sustainability of fisheries.



CFSI is an association of individuals and business firms engaged in, or allied to, the consumer seafood supply industry. It is formed for the following purposes:

To preserve, foster and promote the consumer seafood supply industry, and related activities and to advocate sound legislation for the improvement, preservation, and promotion of the industry; and

To market and promote the consumption of seafood and to provide, enhance and communicate a positive image of seafood products and the seafood industry to consumers; and

To protect the right of the public to demand free and continuous access to seafood of all types as a valuable source of food and useful commercial products; and

To advocate true conservation through utilization of the maximum sustainable yield of all marine resources; and

To encourage efforts to plant and maintain those species of marine life susceptible to scientific propagation.



Involvement in CFSI through membership, committee participation and special events provides our members with a multitude of opportunities to contribute their ideas to the scope of our association’s missions and goals, to meet and foster business relationships with others in the seafood industry, and to collectively address the issues and the concerns common to all our businesses. Have a problem? CFSI can help. Don’t have a problem? Good – that’s our ultimate goal and why being a member is the thing to do!

Submit your membership application by completing the online form below. If you wish to submit your dues by check, please complete and send (with payment) the membership application found here.

Membership Application

    Select Your Membership Category:
    Company Annual Gross Revenue (Regular Members Only):

    If you would like to provide an additional contribution beyond your membership dues, please enter it here:

    Membership Categories

    I. Regular Member

    Individuals, companies or corporations actively engaged in a business, trade, or profession in California (including subsidiaries or branches of companies headquartered outside California) whose interests are identified with, and whose activities are supportive of the consumer seafood supply industry. Regular member category dues are based on the gross annual dollar volume of business.

    II. Consolidated Member

    Companies with more than one entity within the state that operate under different names than the parent company or have significant independent operations in different locations within the state, or that own more than one company actively engaged in the consumer seafood supply business within the state, may elect a Consolidated membership that entitles all such locations/companies to be included in one membership. A Consolidated membership is entitled to only one vote and only one seat may be held on the Board of Directors within the Consolidated membership.

    II. Associate Member

    Individuals, companies or corporations allied to, but not engaged in the consumer seafood supply industry in the state of California. Associate membership is also open to those outside of the state of California. (An individual, company or corporation engaged in the consumer seafood supply industry whose principle place of business is outside the state of California, but who maintains a branch office, or has a subsidiary company within the state of California is not eligible for associate membership.)

    III. Association Member

    Trade associations, cooperatives, or any organized group of individuals involved in the commercial fishing industry as their principle business.

    Membership Benefits

    CFSI members:

    • Are eligible to vote in CFSI elections and other voting events.
    • Are eligible for Board and committee nomination.
    • Are eligible and encouraged to attend CFSI Board meetings.
    • Are well represented with regard to California legislative issues via our legislative advocate and government relations professional, who has developed relationships with the Governor, key members of his administration, legislative leadership, and appropriate policy committees.
    • Receive a weekly CFSI newsletter that includes relevant industry news and updates.
    • Help us in our mission to protect, promote, and grow California’s seafood industry.
    • Are eligible to submit member posts/articles to be published on the CFSI website and/or CFSI weekly newsletter.

    CFSI works on a number of fronts to protect the rights of the public to demand continued access to seafood of all types as a valuable source of food. With the continued support of its members, CFSI will:

    • Address every bill that is introduced in the California legislature that impacts processors, distributors, importers, or the grocery and restaurant industries.
    • Persist in the fight against those who would deny California citizens, by banning commercial fishing, their fair share of the bounty of the west coast and against any measure to restrict the free flow of imported and aquaculture species.
    • Continue to address the effects that Proposition 65 has had on the sale of many species that may or may not contain chloramphenicol, mercury, acrylamide, PCBs or other chemicals.
    • Enhance our relationship with the California legislature and with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and assist members who wish to engage with them for the advancement of their business.
    • Continue to work with leaders of the Department of Fish and Game, Health Services Food and Drug Branch, the Fish and Game Commission, CalEPA, and the Offices of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment on important industry issues.
    • Support and advocate the work of the UC and USC Sea Grant Programs and the UC Davis Seafood Technology Department on resource management and critical seafood safety issues.
    • Fight unwarranted increases in fees and taxes on seafood, domestic or imported.



    Dave Rudie
    Catalina Offshore Products, San Diego

    Chris Harmening
    Seabreeze Seafoods International, Diamond Bar

    David DiCarlo
    DiCarlo Seafood, Wilmington

    Josh Anderson
    Anderson Seafood, Anaheim

    Tom Tobin
    T. M. Tobin Company, Foster City

    John Caito
    Caito Fisheries, Fort Bragg

    Michael King
    Kings Seafood, Costa Mesa

    Pamela Tom
    Ret., Food Science & Technology Department, UC Davis

    Robert E. Ross
    Executive Director

    Michael Lee
    Association Manager

