Beta Version of New Mobile-Friendly FishWatch Now Available

April 18, 2015
Posted in News
April 18, 2015 CFSI Staff

Beta Version of New Mobile-Friendly FishWatch Now Available

Courtesy of

During the last year, NOAA Fisheries evaluated the FishWatch website to better understand who is using the site, what content they are most interested in, and the best ways for them to access that content.

Based on that feedback, NOAA Fisheries is sharing a beta version of a new, mobile-friendly FishWatch website. Please take a few moments to review this beta version and provide your input. The beta site currently contains just 10 profiles, and we want early feedback as we add the remaining profiles.

Check out the beta website——and submit your feedback to by April 15.

High-Level Usability Results

The usability study revealed a variety of important findings that NOAA Fisheries considered when redesigning FishWatch. Keep these in mind as you review the new beta version. Below are some high-level usability results that helped drive the design and content on the new beta version of the website.

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