Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific to Offer Marine Aquaculture 101: What is it and why do we need it?

November 19, 2015
Posted in News
November 19, 2015 CFSI Staff

Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific to Offer Marine Aquaculture 101: What is it and why do we need it?

Aquaculture in the marine environment will be an essential source for healthy and sustainable protein for the growing population. While support for marine aquaculture is growing, skepticism remains, largely due to misinformation that is based on outdated information or provided with limited context. Attend the Aquarium of the Pacific’s topic discussion with special guest experts, Mike Rust and Paul Olin, to learn more about marine aquaculture at the Aquarium’s Watershed Classroom on December 11, 2015 from 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

Marine Aquaculture 101: What is it and why do we need it?

  • Paul Olin, Ph.D.,  Aquaculture Specialist, California Sea Grant, UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  • Mike Rust, Ph.D., Science Coordinator, Office of Aquaculture, NOAA Fisheries

Participants will learn more about marine aquaculture and its role in providing a safe, secure, and sustainable source of protein, with an emphasis on domestic production. Light snacks will be provided.

If you are interested in attending, please RSVP with Adina Metz at: ametz@lbaop.org or 562-951-1692 by Friday, December 4, 2015. Limited seating is available and will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

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