CFSI Co-Sponsored Bill Signed into Law: SB 80: Commercial Fishing: Inspection: Crab Traps

October 13, 2021 CFSI Staff

CFSI Co-Sponsored Bill Signed into Law: SB 80: Commercial Fishing: Inspection: Crab Traps

california capitol scaled

SB 80 (Commercial Fishing: Inspection: Crab Trap), that was co-sponsored by the California Fisheries and Seafood Institute (CFSI), was signed into law by Governor Newsom on Saturday, October 9, 2021.

The major provisions of SB 80 provide a regulatory path for the Department of Public Health, Food and Drug Division to allow crab to be processed when Domoic acid levels are higher than allowed by law in the viscera, but not the meat. The passage of this bill will help CFSI members tremendously and will allow crab processing and sales to continue in instances when crab would be otherwise prohibited to be taken or sold.

SB 80 also includes a provision requiring a processor to surrender a California fish landed by a fisherman in the state to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (for data or scientific purposes) upon “request” (which the industry has always done without the a law).

In addition, SB 80 included an urgency clause, which requires that the bill take effect immediately upon the governor’s signature (October 9th).

There was strong concern expressed to another provision of the bill relating to the “fair start” provisions that disadvantage larger, more productive fishing vessels and their owners due to the recommendation of the Dungeness Crab Task Force (an majority of whom represent smaller vessels).

Crab season is scheduled to begin on November 15th in San Francisco and south of San Francisco.

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