CFSI Welcomes New Member, Town Dock

July 23, 2015
Posted in News
July 23, 2015 CFSI Staff

CFSI Welcomes New Member, Town Dock

The California Fisheries and Seafood Institute (CFSI) would like to welcome a new member to the association, Town Dock!

Here’s a bit more info about Town Dock, along with a brief company history (from their website, view more here):

towndock-logoLocated on the waterfront of Point Judith, Rhode Island, the Town Dock has a direct connection with our fishermen.
They keep us supplied with wild caught seafood and provide the quality control that we firmly stand behind.

The Town Dock has a deep connection with the sea. We manage the day-to-day process
of catching and unloading our fish as we have done for over 30 years.

  • 1980: Town Dock opens its new waterfront facility in Narragansett, Rhode Island
  • 1986: Town Dock purchased its first fleet boat, Lightning Bay
  • 1988: Town Dock builds one of the largest ice plants in Rhode Island to supply their fleet with ice and ensure top quality catch is maintained from the ocean to the dock
  • 1990: Town Dock begins shipping its seafood internationally and builds additional production and freezer space to accommodate demand
  • 2000: To maximize unloading capacity, Town Dock purchased more boats and added another dock
  • 2004: Town Dock purchased processing plant in Johnston, Rhode Island
  • 2009: Town Dock purchased fleet boat, Stephanie Bryan
  • 2011: Town Dock purchased fleet boats Rebecca Mary, Excalibur, and Determination
  • 2012: Town Dock reached over 50 employees
  • 2013: Town Dock purchased fleet boat, Tenacity
  • Today: Town Dock is the largest supplier of calamari in the United States

Along with all of CFSI’s members, Town Dock’s membership with us will help to continually achieve our association goals.

Thank you, Town Dock, for being a part of the CFSI team.

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