October 3, 2015 CFSI Staff

Availability of ARB Mobile Source Strategy Discussion Draft Document, and Notice of Public Workshop on October 16, 2015

Please see below for information on the availability of the ARB Mobile Source Strategy Discussion Draft Document, and a Notice of Public Workshop on October 16, 2015.  This planning effort relates to ARB’s freight work and discusses freight emission sources that may be of interest to you.

The Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) staff is putting forward a proposed Mobile Source Strategy (Strategy) for discussion that is designed to simultaneously meet federal air quality standards, achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, reduce petroleum consumption, and decrease health risk from transportation sources over the next fifteen years.

ARB staff will staff will hold a public workshop on October 16, 2015, to describe the content of the draft Strategy, including the upcoming procedures for public participation and analysis of the potential environmental impacts, if any, of the Strategy.

In the week following the workshop, ARB staff will provide the Board an informational briefing on October 22, 2015.

Both the workshop and the Board meeting will provide the public with the opportunity to comment on the Strategy.  After the October 22nd Board meeting, staff will work with stakeholders on related planning efforts.

ARB staff has posted two items:

1) Discussion Draft of the Mobile Source Strategy
2) Notice for the October 16, 2015 public workshop in Sacramento

The documents and more information can be found at http://www.arb.ca.gov/planning/sip/2016sip/2016mobsrc.htm

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