November 16, 2015 CFSI Staff

Drought Update

The latest California Drought Update can be viewed here.  Below are a few recent announcements that may be of interest.

Governor Brown Issues Executive Order to Bolster State’s Drought Response: As California prepares for a fifth year of drought, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued an executive order that calls for additional actions to build on the state’s ongoing response to record dry conditions and assist recovery efforts from this year’s devastating wildfires. The full text of the executive order can be found here.

November 19: California Water Commission Meeting: The commission will meet in Sacramento. On the agenda is an update on program and administrative activities for the Water Storage Investment Program regulations. Agenda

Prop 1 Information: The Bond Accountability website has information about grants and other activities related to implementation of Proposition 1.  Attached for your convenience is a summary sheet of the currently open grant solicitations with links for how to apply.

Sustainable Groundwater Planning Grant Program for Counties with Stressed Basins: The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has released the final versions of the Guidelines for the Sustainable Groundwater Planning (SGWP) Grant Program and Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP) for the “Counties with Stressed Basins” solicitation, funded by the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 (Proposition 1).  Applications are due December 8.  Guidelines and Proposal Solicitation Package

Coastal Conservancy Proposition 1 Grant Program: The Coastal Conservancy announced Round 2 of its Proposition 1 Grant Program. For the second competitive grant round, the Conservancy invites project proposals that protect and enhance anadromous fish habitat. Proposals for Round 2 are due to the Conservancy on December 31, 2015.  Proposal Solicitation

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