December 10, 2015 CFSI Staff

Investigation finds some sushi restaurants in San Diego aren’t using real lobster

We are pleased that California laws dealing with false advertising and menu fraud have been used to protect the public from misleading and dishonest practices. We have said repeatedly that we have plenty of laws to catch and prosecute offenders, the key is enforcing them. We are happy that our health inspectors and California Department Fish and Wildlife officials took appropriate action against those engaged in seafood labeling fraud. We hope the fines, penalties, public embarrassment and negative press reminds others that mislabeling will not be tolerated.

 – Dave Rudie, CFSI President


Courtesy of ABC News 10:

SAN DIEGO – The operators of eight sushi restaurants in San Diego were convicted of seafood fraud for serving “lobster rolls” that didn’t have any lobster in them, the City Attorney’s Office announced Monday.

The “truth-in-menu” investigation was launched last year.

Investigators from the City Attorney’s Consumer and Environmental Protection Unit purchased advertised “lobster rolls” from various sushi restaurants throughout San Diego, then sent them to a laboratory where DNA testing confirmed that no lobster was found in any of the rolls.

“If they’re looking at a menu and it says that it’s a lobster product, it needs to contain lobster,” said Kathryn Turner, who leads the City Attorney’s Consumer and Environmental Protection Unit…

Read the full article here.

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