The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) is releasing the first post in a blog series that examines California’s property tax system. This blog post, Understanding Your Property Tax Bill, explains the components of the property tax bill and how property tax revenues are distributed among local governments. The post includes two videos discussing the topic. The release of the blog post and videos coincides with tomorrow’s December 10 deadline for taxpayers to make their first property tax payments during the 2015-16 fiscal year.
Future blog posts will appear on the LAO’s California Economy and Taxes blog (or accessible via Twitter @LAOEconTax). For email alerts concerning the property tax blog series, send an email to Carolyn Chu, the LAO’s local government analyst, at (Subject: Subscribe).
Access the videos directly using the following links:
Calculating Your 1 Percent Tax:
The 1 Percent Tax—Where Does Your Money Go?
Additional info:
California’s Property Tax: Where Does Your Money Go?