January 28, 2016 CFSI Staff

FAO Ecolabelling Guidelines–Assessment of US Fishery Management System

Dear CFSI Member,

Knowing of your interest in sustainable seafood, I want to call your attention to the publication of a peer-reviewed assessment that shows the standards of the U.S. fishery management system under the Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) more than meet the criteria of the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Ecolabelling Guidelines. These are the same guidelines that serve as the basis for many consumer-facing seafood certification and ranking schemes.
The assessment demonstrated that the U.S. fisheries management system is particularly strong when considering criteria that evaluate whether the U.S. system is participatory and science-based.  In addition, the U.S. system goes beyond FAO guidelines by also including social and economic criteria which are essential for stewardship practices be effective over the long-term.

Sustainable fisheries and the seafood they provide rely on the accountability and effectiveness of a robust management system. As we approach the 40th anniversary of the MSA–April 13, 2016–this assessment is a real milestone in measuring the advancements in U.S. fishery management and just how well we measure up on a global scale.

To read a summary of findings and the assessment itself, visit this page.

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