NOAA Fisheries filed a Federal Register Notice requesting public input on the development of a Commerce Trusted Trader Program, one of the key elements for implementing a federal seafood traceability program recommended by the Presidential Task Force (Recommendation 14-15).
Briefly, A seafood traceability program is an important tool for combating IUU fishing and seafood fraud and reducing their harmful impacts on resources and markets. Establishing a voluntary Commerce Trusted Trader Program will be important for providing an efficient seafood traceability process. Established within the Seafood Import Monitoring Program, NOAA intends the Commerce Trusted Trader Program to provide optional benefits and incentives for holders of an International Fisheries Trade Permit to obtain a more streamlined entry into U.S. commerce.
NOAA is seeking public input and guidance on the scope, design and implementation of the Commerce Trusted Trader Program to ensure it is developed in a coordinated effort with members of the trade community. NOAA is also seeking input on whether benefits under the Program should be available to other participants in the seafood supply chain.
In addition to this 60-day public comment period, which closes June 28, NOAA has scheduled three public webinars-May 4, May 10, and June 6th. All details and information are posted at: