June 1, 2016 CFSI Staff

Nutrition Label Reform Final Rules Webinar Series: CFSI Members Welcome to Participate

Courtesy of the Grocery Manufacturers Association:

The final revisions to the Nutrition Label represent the largest overhaul to the Nutrition Facts Panel (NFP) and pertinent regulations since the inception of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act over 20 years ago. If you sell, market or manufacture packaged food and beverages, your product label will likely change as a result of these rules.

Join the three part Nutrition Label Reform Final Rules Webinar Series to hear first hand from highly sought after experts on how these rules will impact your company.

Part I: Nutrition Facts Panel, Special Provisions and Exemptions
June 13, 2016

Part II: Reference Amounts, Serving Size and Nutrition Facts Panel Formats
June 14, 2016

Part III: Compliance and Record Keeping
June 15, 2016

This is your opportunity to learn how to comply by the compliance deadline, stay ahead of the competition and provide timely information to your consumers. This webinar will take an intricate, in-depth look at the rules and you’ll gain insights to:

  • Identify brands and products impacted by final regulations
  • Develop new nutrition labeling strategies
  • Create an action plan to prepare your operation for the final rules and compliance dates
  • Apply requirements to the development of new labels, nutrient and health related claims and marketing strategies

Avoid the short cut or offers to attend other abbreviated trainings regarding this landmark overhaul. Register here to attend all three parts and receive a thorough review of the final rules.

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