TACOMA, Wa. – The Pacific Fishery Management Council today named Mr. Charles “Chuck” Tracy as the new Executive Director for the Pacific Fishery Management Council. Dr. Don McIsaac, the former Executive Director, retired in April.
“We believe Chuck’s experience serving as both Deputy and Acting Executive Director and his in-depth knowledge of the issues facing the Council will allow for a seamless transition as the Council deals with important ongoing issues,” said Council Chair Dorothy Lowman. “We are convinced he will be able to motivate the Council staff to continue their high level of performance and enable the Council to successfully take on future challenges.”
Mr. Tracy’s appointment is effective immediately. He has been serving as the Acting Executive Director since Dr. McIsaac’s retirement; before that he served as Deputy Director for four years.
Mr. Tracy has a degree in biological oceanography from Humboldt State University with additional graduate level work in estuarine ecology. He has been with the Council since 2001, following several years of service with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife focusing on interjurisdictional fisheries issues, including Columbia River sturgeon research and salmon management. Before becoming the Deputy Director, Mr. Tracy was the Staff Officer responsible for coordinating Council activity on salmon fishery management matters.
Council Role
The Pacific Fishery Management Council is one of eight regional fishery management councils established by the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 for the purpose of managing fisheries miles offshore of the United States of America coastline. The Pacific Council recommends management measures for fisheries off the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington.