August 10, 2016 CFSI Staff

Water/Drought Update

Below are a few recent announcements that may be of interest.  For the latest drought news and updates, please visit

Fire Activity: By this time in 2015, there were 3,094 CAL FIRE fires that burned 29,953 acres. This year, we have had 3,137 CAL FIRE fires that have burned 57,972 acres. An average year is 2,732 fires for 39,570 acres. However, when including current Federal fires the total is 3,753 fires that have burned 203,822 acres.

Statewide Water Conservation Declines to 21.5 Percent in June; Water supplier “Stress Tests” still under review: With water conservation falling to 21.5 percent savings in June 2016—down from 27.5 percent a year ago—the State Water Resources Control Board announced that it is closely monitoring conservation levels, will scrutinize actions by water suppliers where use has risen dramatically and is carefully reviewing the “stress tests” to ensure that water supply reliability claims are complete and accurate. More Information

August 17-18: Water Commission Meeting: The California Water Commission will hold a meeting on Wednesday, August 17 and Thursday, August 18 in Sacramento.  Agenda

Technical Reference Document for the Water Storage Investment Program: The California Water Commission is hosting three public briefings in August to preview the Technical Reference Document for the Water Storage Investment Program. The briefings will be held on August 23 in Fresno, August 25 in Auburn, and August 30 in Pleasant Hill. The agenda and meeting materials will be posted on the Commission’s website:  Please note that only the briefing on August 30 in Pleasant Hill will be webcast live at:

Coastal Conservancy Prop 1 Grant Solicitation: Applications are being accepted for projects consistent with Chapter 6 of Proposition 1 and the Conservancy’s Strategic Plan. Applications are due October 3, 2016.  Proposition 1 grant solicitation

Blue-Green Algae Bloom in San Luis Reservoir and O’Neill Forebay; Caution Urged in Water Contact: The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board and the California State Parks are urging swimmers, boaters and recreational users to avoid direct contact with, or use of, waters containing blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) now blooming in San Luis Reservoir and O’Neill Forebay located in Merced County on the western edge of the San Joaquin Valley. More Information

Blue-Green Algae Blooms in Silverwood Lake; No-Swimming Advisory in Effect: Swimmers, boaters and recreational users are urged to avoid direct contact with  Silverwood Lake in San Bernardino County until further notice because of a cyanobacteria (blue-green) algal bloom.  The Department of Water Resources continues to test the water and will update this advisory if conditions change. More Information

August 12:  Joint Meeting of the Delta Stewardship Council and the Central Valley Flood Protection Board: The Delta Stewardship Council and Central Valley Flood Protection Board meet jointly in West Sacramento to discuss the interrelationships of the Council’s Delta Levees Investment Strategy and the Flood Board’s update of the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan. Agenda

Public Policy Institute of California Bulletin–Drought Update: California has been in a major drought. Droughts are a recurring feature of California’s climate, and the four-year period between fall 2011 and fall 2015 was the driest since record keeping began in 1895. High temperatures worsened its effects, with 2014 and 2015 being the two hottest years in the state’s recorded history. Precipitation in 2016 was average in northern California—where most of the state’s water supply originates—but this was not enough to eliminate the severe water deficit. Governor Brown declared a statewide drought emergency in January 2014, establishing an interagency drought response team. The legislature has allocated more than $3 billion—mostly from voter-approved bonds—to provide drought relief and improve water management. More Information

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