December 16, 2016 CFSI Staff

Five Climate Regional Action Plans to Guide Information Needs for Fisheries

On December 16th NOAA released five Regional Action Plans (RAPs) to guide implementation of NOAA Fisheries’ Climate Science Strategy in the Northeast, Southeast, Pacific Islands, West Coast and Alaska Regions. The RAPs respond to the growing demands for information on what’s changing, what’s at risk and how to respond to climate-related changes in marine and coastal ecosystems. The US fishing industry, resource managers, and coastal communities are asking NOAA Fisheries to provide the kind of data and information on changing conditions that will be helpful and actionable. The RAPs are designed to increase the production, delivery and use of scientific information required to fulfill NOAA Fisheries’ mandates in a changing world.

The RAPs identify specific actions to address priority information needs identified by NOAA Fisheries, Fishery Management Councils and many other partners and stakeholders. These actions will help track changes, assess risks, provide early warnings and forecasts, and provide decision-makers with the information they need to evaluate the best management strategies to reduce impacts to their regions and increase the resilience of our nation’s marine resources and the communities and businesses that rely on them.

NOAA Fisheries will continue to work closely with their partners to implement the RAPs over the next five years. To view a copy of the Regional Action Plans, the Climate Science Strategy and other related materials, please click here.

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