January 13, 2017 CFSI Staff

Save the Date, MLMA Master Plan Amendment Discussion

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) invites you to save the date for the next MLMA Master Plan Amendment discussion:

Marine Life Management Act (MLMA) Master Plan Amendment Discussion for Interested Stakeholders

Draft Approach to Scaled Management & a Web-based Fisheries Dashboard

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 | 12:00pm-1:30pm PT

Call-in details to follow

During the call, CDFW will share details about a draft scaled management approach—from expanded and better structured Status Reports, to traditional Fishery Management Plans (FMPs)—that aims to incorporate the variability and complexities across fisheries. Additionally, stakeholders will be invited to review a draft mock-up of a web-based data portal that would organize and present fisheries information in a user-friendly way.

The “save the date” information will soon be available on the MLMA Master Plan webpage. It is also recommended that stakeholders review the Management Scaling Component and Web-based Fishery Dashboard sections of the Overview of a Draft Amended Framework for MLMA-based Assessment. Additional reference materials, including an agenda and PowerPoint slides, will be available online in the coming weeks.


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