The California Fisheries and Seafood Institute (CFSI) has elected a new Board of Directors. The current Officers and Directors are listed below and can also be viewed here:
CFSI Officers
Mel Wickliffe
Pier 45 Seafood, San Francisco
Kevin Joyce
Joyce Company, Inc., Los Angeles
Vice President – Legislative
Sal Balestrieri
All Seas Wholesale, San Francisco
Vice President – Promotion
Steve Foltz
Pacific Seafood, Sacramento
Chairman of the Board
Dave Rudie
Catalina Offshore Products, San Diego
CFSI Directors
Jennifer Barrett
Lee Fish Company, Inglewood
Jim Caito
Caito Fisheries, Fort Bragg
Joe Cincotta
Pacific Seafood, San Francisco
David DiCarlo
DiCarlo Seafood, Wilmington
Don Disraeli
Kanaloa Seafood, Santa Barbara
Chris Harmening
Seabreeze Seafoods International, Diamond Bar
Tom Tobin
T.M. Tobin Company, Foster City
Ad Hoc Board Member
Pamela Tom
Ret., Food Science & Technology Department, UC Davis