May 9, 2017 CFSI Staff

Prospects Brighten for Chris Oliver to Get NMFS Top Job

Chris Oliver, the executive director of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, appears to have the inside track to become the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, the head of the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Oliver has had widespread support from a range of seafood industry groups around the country, based on his long history as a successful leader of the NPFMC.

The latest talk within the industry is that Oliver is indeed the pick that the Commerce Dept. has submitted to the White House. The recommendation still has to get White House approval, and also a Congressional approval of the nomination is needed.

But all indications are that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is picking Oliver. If this is confirmed, it would be excellent news for the entire US seafood industry, as it would give NMFS stability and deep experience at a time of significant budget and regulatory review.

Oliver has had strong support from Northwest and Alaska Congressional delegation and industry and also has a lot of support in the Gulf region. The Gulf Seafood Institute, the Louisiana Restaurant Association, and the Charter Fisherman’s Association all have written letters of support.


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