May 25, 2017 CFSI Staff

Final Rule to Implement a Seafood Import Monitoring Program

NOAA Fisheries published its final rule establishing the Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP) on December 9, 2016.  The Program establishes, for imports of certain seafood products, the reporting and recordkeeping requirements needed to prevent illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU)-caught and/or misrepresented seafood from entering U.S. commerce, thereby providing additional protections for our national economy, global food security and the sustainability of our shared ocean resources. This is the first-phase of a risk-based traceability program—requiring the importer of record to provide and report key data—from the point of harvest to the point of entry into U.S. commerce—on an initial list of imported fish and fish products identified as particularly vulnerable to IUU fishing and/or seafood fraud.  January 1, 2018 is the mandatory compliance date for this rule…

Read more here.

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