February 19, 2023 CFSI Staff

Visit OPC’s New 30×30 Webpage and Register for Our Upcoming Workshop

Courtesy of OPC:

In 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-82-20, which committed to conserving 30% of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030 as part of a broader effort to fight climate change, protect biodiversity, and expand access to nature for all Californians. In 2022, the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) released Pathways to 30×30: Accelerating Conservation of California’s Nature, which details strategies and opportunities for achieving the 30×30 target.

Visit our new 30×30 webpage to learn more about:

  • How much of our coastal waters are already conserved.
  • The state’s strategies for achieving the 30×30 target in coastal waters.
  • Ways to stay updated and get involved.

Visit OPC’s 30×30 Website

Register for OPC’s virtual workshop: Conservation Beyond MPAs: Exploring Existing Spatial Management Measures in California State Waters

Wednesday, March 1, 2023
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. PST
via Zoom

California’s network of 124 marine protected areas (MPAs) covers 16% of coastal waters. These waters are already considered conserved as part of the state’s 30×30 target. As part of the state’s effort to conserve an additional half a million acres of coastal waters by 2030, OPC will be collaborating with scientists, fishermen, and conservation organizations to explore the role of spatial management measures beyond MPAs – such as water quality protection areas or area-based fisheries management tools – in conserving coastal and marine biodiversity. We want your input! Join us for an open discussion about how these measures may contribute to the 30×30 target. 

Click Here to Register

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