April 23, 2023 CFSI Staff

California Sea Grant receives two awards, totaling over $3 million, to address marine debris

As part of a national funding effort from NOAA Sea Grant to help prevent and remove debris from marine environments, California Sea Grant has received two competitive awards.

One award, for $2.73 million, is to develop technologies and best management practices to maximize the removal of plastic mulch film from agricultural fields — and make it an attractive feedstock for recyclers. This will require collaboration across multiple sectors: agriculture, engineering, recycling and marine sanctuaries. The aim is to transform growing techniques and prevent agriculturally produced marine debris from entering three national marine sanctuaries along California’s coast. Read more here.
The second award, for nearly $300,000, will be a joint effort from California Sea Grant and USC Sea Grant to involve traditionally underserved groups in California’s Ocean Litter Prevention Strategy. The project will identify the needs of local communities including those of California Tribes, establish a coalition, and move toward community-based marine debris solutions. Read more here.

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