October 13, 2023 CFSI Staff

Seafood Inspection Program: Change to Frequency of Audits


In 1996 the Seafood Inspection Program (SIP) implemented an audit-based system of monitoring approved establishments. This was a departure from the requirement of the presence of the Program inspector during all applicable processing and was designed to not only save the firm costs but to utilize the firm’s good compliance to laws and regulations rather than inspect compliance into the system and product. If a firm participated in the Quality Management Program (QMP) they may have permission on specific products to place the U.S. Grade A and PUFI marks on the packages without the presence of SIP. Later this service extended to export certification. As the firm demonstrated compliance, audit frequency was increased or decreased applicably.

The Seafood Inspection Program is reworking the requirements for all Approved Establishments including QMP firms. During the review a determination was made the increase or decrease of audits based on compliance was no longer necessary and this will be reflected in the upcoming manual release. However, there is no need for firms to wait until SIP has the full chapter completed to see the benefits of this decision.

Effective immediately all Approved Establishments including QMP firms will follow the base target frequency. More frequent audits or special audits may be necessary for cause as determined by the Regional Inspection Branch.

Live Processors: Twice per 12-month period.
Processors: Once per 12-week period.

Audit frequency for firms operating on a seasonal basis will be determined on a case-by-case basis using the guidance of the frequency listed in the chart above. For seasonal plants that operate overlapping 2 calendar quarters: frequency is determined with consideration or a 12 week period. The decision is made based on confidence in the reliability of the system we are auditing. With regard to seasonal contracts, the firm must request in writing, to the servicing Regional Inspection Branch, to both suspend and reactivate the contract.

If a firm is currently under a more frequent audit schedule the Regional Inspection Branch will suspend the additional audits and move to this target frequency.

Processors which desire product certification for lots produced under their operation must adhere to additional requirements. These will be outlined in a subsequent notice.

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