January 31, 2024 CFSI Staff

Darius Anderson, Sonoma Valley lobbyist, investor and hunt club owner, appointed to California Fish and Game Commission

Darius Anderson, founder of Wing & Barrel Ranch hunting club and managing partner of Sonoma Media Investments, has been appointed by Gov. Gavin Newsom to the California Fish and Game Commission for a six-year term. Anderson, known for his involvement in various civic roles including serving on the Sonoma County Fish and Game Commission, expressed his readiness to contribute his expertise to the commission’s responsibilities, which include regulating hunting, fishing, aquaculture, and wildlife protection. He aims to address issues such as reforming fines for illegal harvesting and exploring new technologies to detect poaching. Anderson, who brings a “hunter’s perspective” to the commission, has resigned from certain client accounts to prevent conflicts of interest.

Read the full article at pressdemocrat.com.

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