February 14, 2024 CFSI Staff

Proposed California bill would further limit gillnet fishing in the state’s waters

Assembly Bill 2220, proposed by State Assemblymember Steve Bennett, aims to introduce stricter regulations on gillnet fishing in California’s waters. The bill seeks to extend the ban on gillnets to more areas, particularly within a 3-mile radius of California’s Channel Islands, and to eliminate exemptions allowing the capture and sale of great white sharks and giant seabass as bycatch. Additionally, the legislation would make gillnet permits non-transferable and empower the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to mandate fishing observers for state fisheries. Supported by organizations such as Oceana and the Resource Renewal Institute, the bill responds to concerns about the impact of gillnet fishing on marine life and aims to promote sustainable fishing practices. This effort aligns with the broader push for conservation and the phasing out of large-mesh drift gillnets in the California swordfish fishery by 2027, as mandated by the Driftnet Modernization and Bycatch Reduction Act passed in 2022.

Read the full article at SeafoodSource.com

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