April 3, 2024 CFSI Staff

Notice of revision to USDC Seafood Inspection Program Approved Establishment Requirements


NOAA Handbook Part 3 provides interested parties with the various policies, procedures, and requirements that shall be met for establishments to participate in the USDC SIP Approved Establishment program.

This program is designed to reduce inspection efforts of USDC personnel by partnering with industry participants and their responsibility for food safety, wholesomeness, economic integrity, and quality concerns for the system and products produced at the establishment.

USDC SIP Approved Establishment participants are those that process products under the USDC SIP on a contract basis. Approved Establishments are included on a list published on the SIP’s official website. Inclusion on this list is contingent upon the organization’s continued ability to maintain USDC SIP Approved Establishment requirements.

Participation as a SIP Approved Establishment does not eliminate the responsibility and obligation to meet all federal and applicable state regulations and requirements.


The revision to the Part 3 Policies, Procedures and Requirements for the Approval of Facilities and Systems was undertaken to ensure USDC Approved Establishment criteria harmonizes with industry advancements, regulatory changes, international standards updates, and general market trends. The Seafood Inspection Program’s mission is to ensure the safety and quality, as well as enhance the marketability and sustainability, of seafood products for the benefit of the American consumer by providing science-based inspection services to the seafood industry.

The crux of the revision is a shift towards Approved Establishment criteria as an evaluation of the Food Safety and Quality Management System. Quality aspects of the system are found throughout the document rather than previously in a separate chapter.

Timeline (correction):

The revision to the NOAA Handbook Part 3 will be posted on May 1, 2024, and SIP will begin auditing against the new criteria on June 1, 2024. We have included the revision as an attachment. It is understood that there will be an adjustment period, and SIP will work closely with firms to ensure a smooth transition.

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