April 15, 2024 CFSI Staff

Opinion: New legislation would prevent old policies from undermining Newsom’s “Salmon Strategy”

Salmon are a cornerstone of my Karuk culture and the loss of salmon for my people cannot be overstated. Salmon are intertwined with our cultural identity and religion — what it means to be Karuk. Our ceremonies celebrate the annual migrations of salmon, and the harvest and preservation of salmon is central to community activities that have persisted for generations. In late January, Gov. Gavin Newsom released a strategic plan aimed at helping restore California’s dwindling salmon population. For Tribal Nations like the Karuk, the “Salmon-Strategy for a Hotter, Drier Future” is a multi-year plan to help recover native salmon and steelhead. It includes removing obsolete dams, restoring riparian habitat and increasing flows to provide more water when fish need it most, and is a welcomed step toward species recovery. But absent common-sense legislation that deters harmful water use, the strategy is likely to fail.

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