April 16, 2024 CFSI Staff

Salmon fishing banned off the California coast for the second year in a row

California’s fishing industry faces a significant blow as commercial and recreational salmon fishing is banned for the second consecutive year due to dwindling salmon populations. The decision, announced by the Pacific Fishery Management Council, is attributed to low numbers of various salmon species, exacerbated by the lingering effects of severe drought and water management conflicts. Governor Gavin Newsom has pledged to seek federal aid for affected parties, but the closure adds to a series of setbacks for fishermen, including an early end to the Dungeness crab season. While the closure isn’t expected to cause shortages due to alternative sources of salmon, it reflects a broader decline in California’s commercial salmon fleet over the years. Water interests refute claims of sole responsibility, citing multiple factors affecting salmon populations. Efforts are underway to restore salmon habitats and address long-term challenges, but stakeholders emphasize the need for greater involvement in water management decisions and ensuring sufficient water flows for fish survival.

Read the full article here.

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