May 11, 2024 CFSI Staff

Chinese seafood exporters holding US dollars, fearing depreciation of renminbi

Chinese seafood companies are capitalizing on a weaker domestic currency by ramping up exports. The renminbi’s six-year low against the US dollar is prompting concerns among exporters, pushing them to hedge currency risks and prioritize overseas sales. Lower operating costs relative to sales prices due to currency depreciation allow for competitive pricing in foreign markets, potentially increasing sales volume and market share. While a weaker currency could boost production, China’s focus on self-reliance in various sectors, including seafood, may complicate this strategy. The government’s reluctance to stimulate the economy and shift towards consumption-driven growth could impact its ambitious Made in China 2025 plan. While a weakening renminbi benefits Western businesses manufacturing in China, it poses challenges for Chinese processors purchasing in dollars and increases import costs for Chinese consumers.

Read the full article here.

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