October 7, 2024 CFSI Staff

Port of San Diego Shellfish and Seaweed Aquaculture Program Discussion Draft

The Port of San Diego has released a Discussion Draft of its proposed Shellfish and Seaweed Aquaculture Program (SSAP). In brief, this program would provide a framework for the Port to guide, consider, and approve future shellfish and seaweed aquaculture activities in and around San Diego Bay. The Discussion Draft outlining this program in detail can be found viewed here.

Comments on the Discussion Draft will be accepted through October 25, 2024. Please send your comments to: SSAP@portofsandiego.org

This is the first of several opportunities to provide input on the SSAP, and the Port will continue to engage with agencies, stakeholders, and the public as the SSAP continues to be developed. This Discussion Draft represents the SSAP as the Port has envisioned it today, and the purpose of the Discussion Draft is to spark discussion between stakeholders and the Port so that the Port can better understand whether the proposed program is on track, where there is support for the program, and where there are opportunities for improvement. As you review, if you notice data gaps or other pieces of information that you would like for us to consider through the development of the SSAP, please note that in your comments and provide any data or information that could help to fill those gaps.

 As this is the first time the Port has worked to establish a program of this type, comments from stakeholders are essential to ensuring that we have as much information as possible to make informed and thoughtfully considered recommendations during the decision-making process. Thank you for your time and effort in reviewing this Discussion Draft.

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