Courtesy of CalChamber:
Managing leaves of absence isn’t easy. Plenty of documentation and tracking are involved, which aren’t so simple when leaves are intermittent or when California and federal rules overlap.
Then there are California’s unique and rather complicated leave laws. Like paid sick leave which became law last year. With all of the law’s intricacies, employers are clearly confused—and with good reason.
Join our employment law experts as they address some of the most common and more difficult-to-resolve issues related to leaves of absence:
• What benefits apply whether the leave is paid or unpaid
• Eligibility requirements for various leaves
• Required notices from the employee and the employer
• What leaves require employers to continue benefits such as health care
• When employers must pay an employee on a leave of absence
• How different leaves interact with each other
Our experts speak specifically to state and federal laws regarding:
• California’s paid sick leave
• California and federal family and medical leave
• Leave as a reasonable accommodation for a disability
• Pregnancy disability leave
• Other leaves such as PTO, kin care, jury duty and USERRA
To avoid penalties or costly litigation, it’s essential to understand all required and optional leaves of absence, plus the differing California and federal legal requirements that apply to them. It only makes sense.